Capturing Visitor Photos With InstaCheckin
InstaCheckin enables you to capture visitor photos during the visitor check-in process. Capturing visitor photos is supported for plans Basic and above. For most up-to-date features for different plans, please refer to our pricing page.
How to enable Visitor Photo Capture during check-in?
Log in to InstaCheckin web dashboard and then navigate to Kiosk Settings -> General Settings.
New Visitors
Take Visitor Photo
To enable photo capture for new visitors check the “Take Visitor Photo” checkbox under the New Visitors section and click Save. New visitors will be prompted to take a picture during the check-in flow.
Visitor Photo Optional
This option allows you to make capturing visitor photo optional. i.e. visitors will be able to skip to the next step in the check-in process. If you want to require all visitors to take visitor picture, do not check this option.
Returning Visitors
Take Visitor Photo
InstaCheckin allows you to use different settings for New Visitors vs Returning visitors. e.g. If you don’t want to prompt returning visitors for taking their photo, please uncheck the “Take Visitor Photo” checkbox under the Returning Visitor section.
InstaCheckin visitor dashboard shows all the visitors activity at a given location. If a visitor photo is captured during check-in, this photo is also displayed on the dashboard. For a returning visitor, if a new picture is not captured during check-in and a visitor photo was previously captured, then dashboard shows the previously captured visitor photo.
Also, the email notifications sent to hosts (employee contacts) will include a visitor photo if captured.
For more information click here.